Vehicle Diagnostics

Car diagnostics in Radcliffe

At Radcliffe Tyre Centre, we use state-of-the-art equipment to sort out any issues before you end up stranded on the hard shoulder. To book a diagnostic check for your vehicle, contact our garage in Radcliffe today.

Is your car’s ‘check engine’ light on?

Most modern cars have ECU's (Electronic Control Units) that control various systems in the vehicle. If there is a problem, the ECU generates and stores a code that can be retrieved with a special diagnostic tool. It's then up to the technician to correctly identify any fault codes and warning messages. At Radcliffe Tyre Centre, our experienced mechanics can detect, diagnose and fix all your car's issues quickly and effectively to avoid any accidents. If you've noticed a light appear on your dashboard, contact us today. We welcome motorists from across Bury, Whitefield and Bolton.
Tyre fitting

Our vehicle diagnostics can check:

  • Fuel system diagnostics
  • Suspension systems
  • Brakes
  • Battery replacements
  • Air-con diagnostics
  • Electrical diagnostics
  • Oil levels
To book your car in for a diagnostic check, contact our mechanics in Radcliffe on

0161 724 4006

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